Setting a 3 limit counter then kicking the player...

Hey guys, so in my last post i wanted to restrict a vehicle for normal players (make it vip only)
Previous thread:
And my solution was this.

if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 425 && User[playerid][accountVIP] == 0)
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Hunter can only be used by VIP players.");
	   return 1;
Well now, i'm trying to set a 3 warning/limit thingy for normal players.
If they try to enter a vip vehicle and try that 3 times they will get warned & kicked from the server.

I tried setting up a counter then kick(playerid) if the counter reaches 3 but somehow it either kicks every single player from the server or the vip player that spawned the vehicle. pretty weird.
Any ideas?

Thank you.

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