Stacked textdraw problem

Originally Posted by Pottus
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This is why you create textdraws ONCE and only show and hide them! The problem is you keep creating them even though they are created you would have to destroy first then create new ones. Yes you can do it like this not recommended though. There is even a further error.

How would you ever expect that to work with more than one player?

There is no work around here because there is nothing to work around! You need to do things correctly otherwise you will have problem after problem.
Thank you Pottus! Honestly I dont know why I put the TextDrawDestroy line there, I was trying everything at the end. Im relatively new to pawn so most of my questions are stupid, Im sorry. I tried to search answers for similar problems but I couldnt find any so I was like "mmkay, Im going to ask it even if its dumb". Anyways, thank you, its working like a charm now!

Messages In This Thread
Stacked textdraw problem - by polygxn - 17.02.2019, 04:12
Re: Stacked textdraw problem - by Pottus - 17.02.2019, 04:27
Re: Stacked textdraw problem - by polygxn - 17.02.2019, 04:42
Re: Stacked textdraw problem - by Pottus - 17.02.2019, 05:19
Re: Stacked textdraw problem - by polygxn - 17.02.2019, 06:03

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