Ammunition of the player's current weapon

Originally Posted by ConnorW
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switching the weapon OnPlayerWeaponShot and using a variable to save ammo whenever you give them weapon or they buy it.
Is it the only way to do that?

Messages In This Thread
Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by Volumen - 17.02.2019, 00:17
Re: Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by d3Pedro - 17.02.2019, 00:31
Re: Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by Volumen - 17.02.2019, 00:48
Re: Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by ComDuck - 17.02.2019, 05:55
Re: Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by TheToretto - 17.02.2019, 09:55

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