Ammunition of the player's current weapon

How can I detect the player's current ammunition and the remaining ammunition to recharge the weapon? Example: "7/14", "7" are the bullets that the weapon currently has and '14' is the available ammunition that the weapon has at this moment to be able to recharge it.

I already used 'GetPlayerAmmo' and 'GetPlayerWeaponData' but both functions show the total number of bullets (which can be fired by the weapon + the refills).

Messages In This Thread
Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by Volumen - 17.02.2019, 00:17
Re: Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by d3Pedro - 17.02.2019, 00:31
Re: Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by Volumen - 17.02.2019, 00:48
Re: Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by ComDuck - 17.02.2019, 05:55
Re: Ammunition of the player's current weapon - by TheToretto - 17.02.2019, 09:55

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