Hamachi, can't even start downloading process

The title says it all, when my friend join on my server with hamachi, his download won't even start, it is just stuck with that beach scene. The same thing is when he runs server and I try to join... Did you experienced this kinda problem?

Messages In This Thread
Hamachi, can't even start downloading process - by Croheart - 15.02.2019, 19:08
Re: Hamachi, can't even start downloading process - by Croheart - 17.02.2019, 20:59
Re: Hamachi, can't even start downloading process - by Dignity - 17.02.2019, 22:31
Re: Hamachi, can't even start downloading process - by RenanMsV - 18.02.2019, 02:01
Re: Hamachi, can't even start downloading process - by Sn0wden - 18.02.2019, 17:27

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