convert dcmd a zcmd

Help me convert this command to zcmd and sort it ,,
Is this the good command?

if(event == 1)
new price, winner;
if(sscanf(params,"ui",winner,price)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Usage: /winner [ID] [Price]");
new str[128];
format(str,128,"{40E0D0}%s (%i) has won the event, and gained %d",PlayerName(winner),winner,price);
return 1;
else{SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You can't use this command!"); return 1;}
else{SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"There is no event running."); return 1;}

Messages In This Thread
convert dcmd a zcmd - by nbx2000 - 11.02.2019, 02:17
Re: convert dcmd a zcmd - by Kane - 11.02.2019, 02:33
Re: convert dcmd a zcmd - by nbx2000 - 11.02.2019, 02:38
Re: convert dcmd a zcmd - by Kane - 11.02.2019, 02:49
Re: convert dcmd a zcmd - by nbx2000 - 11.02.2019, 02:51
Re: convert dcmd a zcmd - by TheToretto - 11.02.2019, 06:14

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