[Include] TextList - Text Draw list system.

Is there any way to create a list dynamically? Like populate the list items based on a mysql query. AFAIK, it looks like it can only be populated statically, in its own function. Basically using this as a more appealing replacement for a dialog textlist.

Messages In This Thread
TextList - Text Draw list system. - by ZiGGi - 27.11.2016, 09:54
Re: TextList - Text Draw list system. - by JustMe.77 - 27.11.2016, 14:45
Re: TextList - Text Draw list system. - by Pottus - 27.11.2016, 15:32
Re: TextList - Text Draw list system. - by Chaprnks - 10.02.2019, 19:05
Re: TextList - Text Draw list system. - by Logic_ - 10.02.2019, 19:23
Re: TextList - Text Draw list system. - by Variable™ - 10.02.2019, 20:36

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