09.02.2019, 18:21
What is the difference between
cache_insertid Code:
mysq_insert_id |
cache_insert_id works the same way as mysql_insert_id, except that it will not retrieve the ID if there isn't any active cache (you did not run threaded query or set an active cache manually) in the server. See the example on cache_insert_id in the SA-MP wiki. If you are interested with playing around and seeing which functions will lead to an active cache, use the cache_is_any_active native after you call something.
i have this code in my server
forward OnQueryInsertBaseObject(baseidx, objectid); public OnQueryInsertBaseObject(baseidx, objectid) return BaseObjectData[baseidx][objectid][oSQLId] = mysql_insert_id(MainPipeline); which is safer to use? |