Slow response time when log-in

First and foremost, why do you select everything just to retrieve only `Password` and `DBID`? Select only these two columns.

An account name is unique, therefore set `Name` as UNIQUE KEY.

`DialogPassword` can be overwritten because of threaded queries. You need a player-array.

When the two passwords match, select the rest (`Skin`, `Admin`) and not everything again. But more importantly, you now know the `DBID` so replace WHERE `Name` with WHERE `DBID`

Messages In This Thread
Slow response time when log-in - by polygxn - 08.02.2019, 14:28
Re: Slow response time when log-in - by Calisthenics - 08.02.2019, 14:49
Re: Slow response time when log-in - by polygxn - 13.02.2019, 06:22
Re: Slow response time when log-in - by polygxn - 13.02.2019, 20:11

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