Survival Gamemode 0.3.7 or 0.3.7 DL Version?

So basically when it comes to majority of the community, I'm quite confuse what version should I use but then as far as I know 0.3 DL is not that official release correct me if im wrong. Here's my question which of you guys prefer when it comes to survival theme should we adopt the features of 0.3 DL or no? Or do players still stick with 0.3.7 version
what will be the pros and cons of these two version of samp tho 0.3 DL is basically the best because of its modeling feature but then I'm afraid that there were no players tempted to join.

Give me some friendly advice! Thanks.

Messages In This Thread
Survival Gamemode 0.3.7 or 0.3.7 DL Version? - by ToiletDuck - 08.02.2019, 00:14
Re: Survival Gamemode 0.3.7 or 0.3.7 DL Version? - by J0sh... - 08.02.2019, 00:19
Re: Survival Gamemode 0.3.7 or 0.3.7 DL Version? - by ToiletDuck - 08.02.2019, 00:23
Re: Survival Gamemode 0.3.7 or 0.3.7 DL Version? - by liguanhua123 - 09.02.2019, 01:08
Re: Survival Gamemode 0.3.7 or 0.3.7 DL Version? - by Prolong - 26.02.2019, 22:01

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