Race System Does not Work????

Originally Posted by Calisthenics
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format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `racerotation` WHERE race =  %s ", race);
mysql_function_query(dbHandle, query, true, "OnRaceManuallyLoad", "ds", playerid, race);
Strings need apostrophes around the specifier like this '%s' but you must escape any input by the players. Use mysql_format and '%e' specifier.

In the callbacks you use cache functions, check if there are rows before using these functions. No data will result in error for invalid row indexes.
i was try but problem still have...

i dont understand why 2 race folder mysql and in scriptfiles??

Messages In This Thread
Race System Does not Work???? - by PrednizoN - 06.02.2019, 07:05
Re: Race System Does not Work???? - by Calisthenics - 06.02.2019, 08:39
Re: Race System Does not Work???? - by PrednizoN - 06.02.2019, 14:03

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