Race System Does not Work????

format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `racerotation` WHERE race =  %s ", race);
mysql_function_query(dbHandle, query, true, "OnRaceManuallyLoad", "ds", playerid, race);
Strings need apostrophes around the specifier like this '%s' but you must escape any input by the players. Use mysql_format and '%e' specifier.

In the callbacks you use cache functions, check if there are rows before using these functions. No data will result in error for invalid row indexes.

Messages In This Thread
Race System Does not Work???? - by PrednizoN - 06.02.2019, 07:05
Re: Race System Does not Work???? - by Calisthenics - 06.02.2019, 08:39
Re: Race System Does not Work???? - by PrednizoN - 06.02.2019, 14:03

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