/house selltomarket "confirm" how to?

if(strcmp(option, "selltomarket", true) == 0)
		for(new i; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++)
		   	if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][0], HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][1], HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][2]))
		   		if(HouseInfo[i][server_ID] == PlayerInfo[playerid][HouseID])
					new houseprice = HouseInfo[i][Price]*50/100;
					format(str, sizeof(str), "You've sold your house for $%d!", houseprice);
					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, str);
					HouseInfo[i][Pickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][0], HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][1], HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][2], HouseInfo[i][ExteriorWorld]);
					format(housestring, sizeof(housestring), "{70ff83}This house is for sell!\nPrice: %d\nType /buyhouse to buy it\nType /enter to go inside", HouseInfo[i][Price]);
					HouseInfo[i][Label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(housestring , COLOR_ORANGE, HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][0], HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][1], HouseInfo[i][ExteriorPos][2],30.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1, -1, -1, 7.0);
					HouseInfo[i][ForSell] = 1;
					HouseInfo[i][Locked] = 0;
					GiveMoney(playerid, houseprice);
					return 1;

				return 1;
		return 1;
How can I do that player has to write /house selltomarket confirm from this?

Messages In This Thread
/house selltomarket "confirm" how to? - by ShadowMortar - 27.01.2019, 06:06
Re: /house selltomarket "confirm" how to? - by TheToretto - 27.01.2019, 12:25
Re: /house selltomarket "confirm" how to? - by ShadowMortar - 27.01.2019, 14:41
Re: /house selltomarket "confirm" how to? - by codExpert - 27.01.2019, 15:07
Re: /house selltomarket "confirm" how to? - by Pottus - 27.01.2019, 15:43
Re: /house selltomarket "confirm" how to? - by TheToretto - 28.01.2019, 10:52

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