Roleplay server with a military faction

Originally Posted by Avetsky
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Hey y'all, I am looking for a roleplay server with a properly set up military faction, with a decent playerbase. I used to be part of the National Guard and the SAAS back during the NGG times (before both of them were hijacked by the third-world majority).
Funny you should say that, I was also pushed out of that faction by admin-arselickers.

SAAS was great before the DFU, the National Guard was great before 2015. The newest version of SAAS was just terrible and the leaders had little-to-no military knowledge whatsoever.

I've pondered with the idea of creating a server with a military faction but frankly haven't got time.
  • LSRP has always had the National Guard command for PD/SD but this was only used in server-wide events and events like the El Corona lockdown.
  • RCRP had Aperture which had a somewhat military aspect to it, although the faction shut down since it just ruined immersion in the countryside.
  • Horizon has had ARES which is supposed to be a private military, although HZG is a very different server to what NGG was and it's basically cops-n-robbers/turf wars.
  • LawlessRP had the National Guard but it was basically just an assassin faction, plus I don't think Lawless players have ever used the /me command before.
  • SARP has had a military faction (I think), except I don't think there's been 1 player in months.
  • LVRP launched (albeit briefly) before dying again. They trialled a unique version of the National Guard which was more of a territorial part-time army (like England).
  • TheConnectorsPlace VCRP server was scheduled to have the National Guard in the future, except I'm not quite sure what's happening with the server.
Guess like me, you're stuck in that place where there's not much you can do. Military RP in English RP servers was never really a massive thing. In NGG (before the server was flooded with weaponised vehicles) nothing else came close.

I'll no doubt be trying my hand at a GTA5 server in the future since 0% of servers seem to want military RP.

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