ENB Series on Linux (wine/playonlinux)

Is anybody else here plays GTASA/SAMP on linux using playonlinux or something?

I wanna play GTA SA with pretty graphics like:

I buoyed a video graphic hardware to do it (GTX 750ti), but i cant active ENB series in my GTA

I press shift+f12 and nothing happens!!!

Is it that windows call keys? Or incompatible something?
Can i change something to ENB starts when start GTA? Change the keys?

Is anybody can help me? (i can't use windows)

Messages In This Thread
ENB Series on Linux (wine/playonlinux) - by binnyl - 20.01.2019, 16:05
Re: ENB Series on Linux (wine/playonlinux) - by binnyl - 10.02.2019, 12:11
Re: ENB Series on Linux (wine/playonlinux) - by Markski - 11.02.2019, 12:37
Re: ENB Series on Linux (wine/playonlinux) - by binnyl - 16.02.2019, 16:03
Re: ENB Series on Linux (wine/playonlinux) - by DeitY - 17.02.2019, 14:28

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