20.01.2019, 03:57
Try this spawn a 100x100 grid of them 10 meters apart then approach them out of stream from different angles. Do the same NPC's only appear? Or do only the first 51 to stream in show?
I've made a quick gif of this here.
I'd be interested in knowing if this limit is the same for everybody. The quick snippet of code I wrote to generate my grid of actors is as follows:
new Float:basex = 1400.0; new Float:basey = 1400.0; for(new Float:x= 0.0; x < 100.0; x += 10.0) for(new Float:y= 0.0; y < 100.0; y += 10.0) CreateDynamicActor(286, basex + x, basey + y, 15.0, 0.0);