/kick for certain time.

You could create a new variable in the player info enum for kick time and utilize
Info[id][newkickvariable] = gettime()+240; //4 minutes
when you kick them, save it to a database and when they attempt to connect.

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
    if(Info[id][newkickvariable] > gettime())
        //send message and kick them
Although you'd probably want to change it to run that last bit of logic after it loads all the player data from the database otherwise it won't work.

Messages In This Thread
/kick for certain time. - by MacGyverr - 19.01.2019, 12:04
Re: /kick for certain time. - by Heress - 19.01.2019, 12:34
Re: /kick for certain time. - by Chyakka - 19.01.2019, 12:47
Re: /kick for certain time. - by Bolex_ - 19.01.2019, 12:50

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