16.01.2019, 21:43
I Recommend you to use streamer plugin
You'll use this to create the pickup for example
test= CreateDynamicPickup(1318,1,x,y,z,0,0,-1,250); worldid=0 if you want it to be in world 0, interiorid, thats to be in the streets, playerid= make it -1 if you want to show it for all the players, steamdistance, that's will appear when the player is close to it you can make it as you want,
if you dont know how to make the exit/enter
You'll have to make a pickup as enter, and you'll go to onplayerpickupdynamicpickup, and get the cordinates of the interior and put it using SetPlayerPos, and use SetPlayerInterior the interior id,
and when you get into the interior make an exit pickup, and in onplayerpickupdynamicpickup, SetPlayerpos, to out of the interior, and Set his interior to 0
PHP код:
CreateDynamicPickup(modelid, type, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 100)
test= CreateDynamicPickup(1318,1,x,y,z,0,0,-1,250); worldid=0 if you want it to be in world 0, interiorid, thats to be in the streets, playerid= make it -1 if you want to show it for all the players, steamdistance, that's will appear when the player is close to it you can make it as you want,
if you dont know how to make the exit/enter
You'll have to make a pickup as enter, and you'll go to onplayerpickupdynamicpickup, and get the cordinates of the interior and put it using SetPlayerPos, and use SetPlayerInterior the interior id,
and when you get into the interior make an exit pickup, and in onplayerpickupdynamicpickup, SetPlayerpos, to out of the interior, and Set his interior to 0