08.01.2019, 03:45
hello guys, could someone tell me how to start a recording in FCNPC 2.0? (callbacks, native, etc)
I have this code but dont work:
I have this code but dont work:
PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit()
bot19 = FCNPC_Create("Cristiano");
printf("Cristiano: %i", bot19);
FCNPC_Spawn(bot19, Mechanicid[random(4)], -77.0284,-1200.1984,2.3811);
FCNPC_SetInvulnerable(bot19, true);
SetTimer("FCNPC_OnVehicleEntryComplete", 500, false);
FCNPC_StartPlayingPlayback(bot19, "Kanjo1");
return 1;
public FCNPC_OnVehicleEntryComplete(npcid, vehicleid, seatid)
FCNPC_EnterVehicle(bot19, 8, 0, 0);
return 1;