06.01.2019, 15:31
Yea, after maximum 5 seconds the personal car it's spawned.
EDIT: I want to spawn the car because when player login on server the car is despawned.
EDIT(2): I want to know just if it's a normal deelay or it's from my scripts. I make an debug but isn't deelay on all function SpawnPlayerCar it's just on CreateVehicle.
There it is my script:
EDIT(3): Sometimes deelay on CreateVehicle is 3 seconds sometimes 4. It's just deelay on this samp function.
EDIT: I want to spawn the car because when player login on server the car is despawned.
EDIT(2): I want to know just if it's a normal deelay or it's from my scripts. I make an debug but isn't deelay on all function SpawnPlayerCar it's just on CreateVehicle.
There it is my script:
HTML Code:
stock SpawnPlayerCar(carid) { SCMTA(COLOR_YELLOW, "S-a executat(SPAWN)!"); new query[128]; CarInfo[carid][cSpawned] = CreateVehicle(CarInfo[carid][cModel], CarInfo[carid][cLocationX], CarInfo[carid][cLocationY], CarInfo[carid][cLocationZ], CarInfo[carid][cAngle], -1, -1, -1); format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `cars` SET `Spawned`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'", CarInfo[carid][cSpawned], carid); mysql_query(SQL, query); return 1; }