Little MySQL help

PHP код:
mysql_format(MyMySQLquerysizeof(query), "DELETE FROM `gangs` WHERE `ID` = '%d'"g); 
g is the player's gang ID
Gang table doesn't matter. I need just an example with code. I will change the name of the table and what else!

Messages In This Thread
Little MySQL help - by Kraeror - 25.12.2018, 12:16
Re: Little MySQL help - by Logic_ - 25.12.2018, 12:42
Re: Little MySQL help - by Kraeror - 25.12.2018, 12:45
Re: Little MySQL help - by Kraeror - 25.12.2018, 12:51
Re: Little MySQL help - by Logic_ - 25.12.2018, 13:08

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