Effect with AttachObject

Most of the problems you'll have with SetObjectMaterialText revolve around alpha blending. The fontcolor and backcolor parameters take ARGB values. The material will use different alpha blending modes depend on whether the alpha value is set to 0xFF (no transparency) or lower. If you use fontcolor 0xFFFFFFFF (white) and backcolor 0xFF000000 (black), I don't think you'll see any difference.

If you're going to attach text to another object, you need to attach it slightly forward, otherwise you'll come across something called Z-fighting (depth-fighting), which is where the 3D renderer can't tell which object is in front and which is behind.

Messages In This Thread
Effect with AttachObject - by m1n1vv - 14.12.2018, 10:07
Re: Effect with AttachObject - by Kalcor - 15.12.2018, 02:16
Re: Effect with AttachObject - by m1n1vv - 15.12.2018, 06:57
Re: Effect with AttachObject - by m1n1vv - 23.12.2018, 05:51

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