14.12.2018, 09:26
You can not generate them completly random, because u dont know the Z-coordinate.
Sure with Map Andreas you could find it, but still then you need a border + check if it is on a roof or in water...etc
So it is easier to go to random places, get the coords, pack it in an array and get with the random function some coords out of the array (but be aware, that r doesnt come twice, you have to check it).
So its not that easy, but possible in both ways.
Sure with Map Andreas you could find it, but still then you need a border + check if it is on a roof or in water...etc
So it is easier to go to random places, get the coords, pack it in an array and get with the random function some coords out of the array (but be aware, that r doesnt come twice, you have to check it).
So its not that easy, but possible in both ways.