Mysql help.

Mysql plugin provides a log system for errors and warnings. The problem is that that Password and Gender (assuming ID is set as auto increment) do not have a default value so it throws an error.

Please take a look at existing register/login systems to get an idea. Executing an INSERT query every time a player connects will give you duplicates which is wrong. You need to check if player is not registered first.

Messages In This Thread
Mysql help. - by Fabyx15 - 04.12.2018, 19:00
Re: Mysql help. - by Vizi10 - 04.12.2018, 20:14
Re: Mysql help. - by Calisthenics - 05.12.2018, 10:39
Re: Mysql help. - by GTLS - 06.12.2018, 11:58

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