Y_INI - Save on change

Originally Posted by ShadowMortar
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Try with this:

new AccTimer; // Defines the timer

forward SaveAccounts();
public SaveAccounts()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	    new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(i));

	    INI_WriteInt(File,"Admin Level", PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin]);
	    INI_WriteInt(File,"Faction Director", PlayerInfo[i][pFacDirector]);
	    INI_WriteInt(File,"Faction", PlayerInfo[i][pFaction]);
	    INI_WriteInt(File,"Faction Rank", PlayerInfo[i][pFacRanks]);

    return 1;
Put under OnGameModeInit:
AccTimer = SetTimer("SaveAccounts", 60000 *5, true); // Saves all accounts every 5 minutes

Put under OnGameModeExit:

Under OnPlayerDisconnect:

For safe /gmx command:
new RestartTime = 10;
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 3)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are not authorized to use that command!");
	else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3)
		SetTimer("ServerRestartTime",10000 ,false);
	return 1;

forward ServerRestartTime(playerid);
public ServerRestartTime(playerid)
	if(RestartTime == 0)
	    RestartTime = 10;
	    return 1;
	return 1;
Instead of saving it every 5 minutes, how can I make it so it'll update on change? Like, I'd like it so if I'm in faction X, and I change it to faction y the server will save the player data.

Edit: I already made a gmx with a timer.

Messages In This Thread
Y_INI - Save on change - by Mo123 - 02.12.2018, 17:23
Re: Y_INI - Save on change - by oMa37 - 02.12.2018, 18:47
Re: Y_INI - Save on change - by Mo123 - 02.12.2018, 18:50
Re: Y_INI - Save on change - by oMa37 - 02.12.2018, 18:53
Re: Y_INI - Save on change - by ShadowMortar - 02.12.2018, 19:45
Re: Y_INI - Save on change - by Mo123 - 02.12.2018, 20:31

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