[Help] error 017: undefined symbol "label"

This is called "local variable", this kinda runs in the name. You can't access a local variable from "OnPlayerConnect" to a command. Because it's closed down in the callback. Create it however outside a callback/function/command, it becomes a global variable, this you can access through the whole script anytime you'd like.

Take a look at this:
SS/Core/Admin/Admin-1CMD.pwn(86) : error 017: undefined symbol "label"

undefined symbol, because it doesn't find "label". Create it on the top of your script as a global, then you are good to go.

Messages In This Thread
[Help] error 017: undefined symbol "label" - by ApolloScripter - 30.11.2018, 15:08
Re: [Help] error 017: undefined symbol "label" - by v1k1nG - 30.11.2018, 15:20
Re: [Help] error 017: undefined symbol "label" - by Revy - 30.11.2018, 18:51

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