[Ajuda] Servidor dando erro somente no host

Fala, galera. Tф enfrentando um problema chato com meu servidor. Quando tб ligado aqui no meu computador, em conexгo local, funciona perfeitamente. Quando eu ligo no host parece que a gamemode nгo carrega. O spawn do jogador fica la em LV, tipo aquele padrгo do SAMP. Mas carrega os filterscripts.

No log do server aparecem esses erros. O curioso й que em conexгo local nгo dб erro nenhum. Funciona numa boa.

Me parece ser algo relacionado ao plugin sscanf. Vale lembrar que eu enviei todos os plugins .so para o servidor, nгo tem nenhum erro de digitaзгo e as letras maiъsculas e minъsculas foram digitadas certinho.

Eu realmente nгo sei o que tб acontecendo. O sscanf tem algum problema com os host linux? A quem puder me ajudar, eu serei eternamente grato.

Tб aн todo o log do servidor.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[27/11/2018 00:52:25] 
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] Server Plugins
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] --------------
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  Loading plugin: streamer.so
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] 

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7 by Incognito loaded ***

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loaded.
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  ==================
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Whirlpool loaded
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  ==================
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loaded.
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] 

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  ===============================

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]          Version:  2.8.1        

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  ===============================

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loaded.
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  Loading plugin: sscanf2.so
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] 

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  ===============================

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  ===============================

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loaded.
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   CrashDetect plugin 4.19.4
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loaded.
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Failed (libmysqlclient.so.18: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  Loading plugin: nativechecker.so
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loaded.
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]  Loaded 6 plugins.

[27/11/2018 00:52:25] 
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] Filterscripts
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] ---------------
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loading filterscript 'Register.amx'...
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loading filterscript 'Supply.amx'...
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loading filterscript 'Votekick.amx'...
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Unable to load filterscript 'Votekick.amx'.
[27/11/2018 00:52:25]   Loaded 2 filterscripts.

[27/11/2018 00:52:25]    Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_IsConnected'
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] Script[gamemodes/BF.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[27/11/2018 00:52:25] Number of vehicle models: 0
[27/11/2018 00:53:44] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[27/11/2018 00:53:46] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[27/11/2018 00:53:47] [join] Abdul_Sayad has joined the server (0:
[27/11/2018 00:53:47] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[27/11/2018 00:53:47] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[27/11/2018 00:53:50] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[27/11/2018 00:53:50] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[27/11/2018 00:53:50] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[27/11/2018 00:53:50] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[27/11/2018 00:53:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[27/11/2018 00:53:59] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[27/11/2018 00:53:59] [part] Abdul_Sayad has left the server (0:1)
[27/11/2018 00:54:06] --- Server Shutting Down.
[27/11/2018 00:54:06] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[27/11/2018 00:54:06] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[27/11/2018 00:54:06] 

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7 by Incognito unloaded ***

[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  
[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  ====================
[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  
[27/11/2018 00:54:06]   Whirlpool unloaded
[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  
[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  ====================
[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  
[27/11/2018 00:54:06] 

[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  ===============================

[27/11/2018 00:54:06]      sscanf plugin unloaded.    

[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  ===============================

[27/11/2018 00:54:06] 

[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  ===============================

[27/11/2018 00:54:06]      sscanf plugin unloaded.    

[27/11/2018 00:54:06]  ===============================

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

Messages In This Thread
Servidor dando erro somente no host - by doutorgori - 27.11.2018, 02:07
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by PowerMwK - 27.11.2018, 08:55
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by doutorgori - 27.11.2018, 18:02
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by PowerMwK - 27.11.2018, 18:26
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by ipsLuan - 27.11.2018, 19:33
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by doutorgori - 27.11.2018, 21:49
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by ipsLuan - 27.11.2018, 22:07
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by doutorgori - 27.11.2018, 22:10
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by ipsLuan - 27.11.2018, 22:12
Re: Servidor dando erro somente no host - by PowerMwK - 27.11.2018, 22:19

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