Help Me...

Your file opened in subliem text:
VSCode not even let me open it
Seems like your system or something external corrupted your pwn file which i doubt you can recover(hope osmeone have a solution)

Did you restart the system while the file was compiling or while it was opened by any chance? Nothing is perfect so it might happen

Messages In This Thread
Help Me... - by Vizi10 - 20.11.2018, 19:23
Re: Help Me... - by Electrifying - 20.11.2018, 19:38
Re: Help Me... - by Vizi10 - 20.11.2018, 20:06
Re: Help Me... - by Vizi10 - 21.11.2018, 07:34
Re: Help Me... - by Banditul18 - 21.11.2018, 07:43

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