19.11.2018, 15:00
Show your /admins command or whatever is displaying the admin rank incorrectly.
CMD:admins( playerid, params[ ] ) { gsString[ 0 ] = EOS; new V ; format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "%s"YE"Administrators:\n", gsString,CountAdmins()); foreach( Player, i ) { if ( PlayerInfo[ i ][ Level ] > 0 ) { format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), ""W"* %s"W"* %s(%d) "W"(%s)\n\n"YE"Very Important Players:\n", gsString, PlayerName( i ),i, PlayerInfo[ i ][ Status ],PlayerName( i ), i, PlayerInfo[ i ][ pVip ] ); V++; } } format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "%s"W"Total of "YE"%d "W"admins/VIP's online!", gsString,CountAdmins()); if ( V == 0 ) { SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "{FF0000}GEF {7A7A7A}»{DBED15} {BABABA}There are no administrators online." ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "{FF0000}GEF {7A7A7A}»{DBED15} {BABABA}Use /report if you suspect a player of cheating." ); gsString[ 0 ] = EOS; } ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_EMPTY, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, String_Admin( V), gsString, "Close", "" ); return ( 1 ); } stock CountAdmins() { new count; foreach(Player,i) { if ( PlayerInfo[ i ][ Level ] > 0 ) count++; } return count; }