18.11.2018, 18:01
Other warnings/errors:
Oh yeah, it seems that 5.x gave less warnings then the default one, but the errors still the sames...
warning 219: local variable "using_deprecated_foreach_syntax" shadows a variable at a preceding level at codes like: stock PlayAudioStreamForPlayersInCar(vehicleid,url[]) { foreach(Player,i) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) { if(GetPlayerVehicleID(i) == vehicleid) { PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i,url); } } } return 1; } or pawno\include\YSI_Data\y_foreach\..\..\YSI_Coding\y_hooks\..\y_cgen\..\..\YSI_Core\y_core\..\..\amx\codescan.inc(212) : warning 219: local variable "sip" shadows a variable at a preceding level pawno\include\YSI_Data\y_foreach\..\..\YSI_Coding\y_hooks\..\y_cgen\..\..\YSI_Core\y_core\..\..\amx\codescan.inc(266) : warning 219: local variable "sip" shadows a variable at a preceding level