Issues with connecting to one particulair SA-MP server

For unknown reasons, whenever I log into LS-RP my internet suddenly spikes and I get latency issues and packet loss in-game as well as on my PC. If I stay on once the packet loss happens, I lose connection to my internet. I have had threads on LS-RP forums before but to no avail. My internet is fine, I can play every game I own perfectly fine except for LS-RP. I have since tried the following; I have obtained a new router/modem after I started noticing that whenever I went onto LS-RP my internet connection would literally die on me. I now have Ethernet (cable) instead of wi-fi and that didn't fix the issue. I have also reset my router and this has been on-going for months now. It only happens to LS-RP and if I stay on for too long when the lag happens my connection dies out. Anybody has tips/help? Be my guest, I'm at a wit's end with all of the solutions I've tried so far.

Some side notes: The issues began when I switched to (this) computer and got a new router, however since I have obtained a even newer router. There shouldn't be any bandwidth issues considering I can play other games just fine in both NA and EU (I am in Europe) but if there is a way to check/to set it so that it may work, please help.

Also a few screenshots that may or may not help with people trying to help me solve it.

A random screenshot of my internet's properties, personally I don't know about the sent/received bytes but that does look kind of weird for me considering it's such a huge difference.

The issue (packet loss/lag/connection timeout issue) along with some information I don't know anything about.

My ping is fine when I am not actually in the server.

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