warning 217: loose indentation


set in from the margin; "Indent the paragraphs of a letter"
cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication; "indent the documents"
make a depression into; "The bicycle dented my car"
notch the edge of or make jagged
an order for goods to be exported or imported
indenture: bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant; "an indentured servant"
indentation: the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line


Messages In This Thread
warning 217: loose indentation - by [HKS]dlegend - 21.09.2009, 00:31
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by _Vortex - 21.09.2009, 00:33
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by Mikep. - 21.09.2009, 00:35
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by _Vortex - 21.09.2009, 00:38
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by [HKS]dlegend - 21.09.2009, 00:39
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by _Vortex - 21.09.2009, 00:39
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by [LL]InstabiC - 21.09.2009, 00:41
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by SanMarinoRP - 21.09.2009, 00:42
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by _Vortex - 21.09.2009, 00:44
Re: warning 217: loose indentation - by Hiitch - 21.09.2009, 00:47

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