get top player +rep for helper

Fill a dummy array with all of the currently connected players' id and score, sort that array based on highest to lowest score (descending) = profit.

PHP код:
#include <md_sort>
SortDeepArray(dummyArraydummyArrayScoreKey, .order SORT_DESC); 

Messages In This Thread
get top player +rep for helper - by PoniStar - 14.11.2018, 20:11
Re: get top player +rep for helper - by Boarden - 14.11.2018, 21:11
Re: get top player +rep for helper - by PoniStar - 15.11.2018, 16:05
Re: get top player +rep for helper - by d1git - 15.11.2018, 17:09
Re: get top player +rep for helper - by TheToretto - 15.11.2018, 19:39

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