11.11.2018, 23:23
Nope, I've started with 10?
Very true.
They maybe like owning a server? Or maybe they just try how it will look like and then he will move on? Who knows.
Very true.
And I was like, meh.. Alright, let's go check his ''cool'' server with ''nice features". When I saw the server, I didn't even bother to join it once I saw in it's tittle "ultra-h.." with 20 player slots. The server also used a very well known gamemode, but I couldn't care less about that.
Next thing what I was going to check, is their website. My god.. I was a bit confused, because they used the very similiar template like sa-mp.com is currently using. Well, atcually it was looking exactly the same like sa-mp.com and in the beginning I thought, maybe they just provide a quick access to a website, from where you can download sa-mp app, but no.. Also the website's domain was awful, because it was one of those free domains, like 000webhost and it was obvious, that webhosting was also a free service from the same host company. |