Help: FCNPC_StopAim dont work for me

You'll need to use StopShoot too iirc.
Otherwise try to reset the NPC's keys by doing

FCNPC_SetKeys(bot1, 0, 0, 0);
FCNPC sets the keys automatically when using AimAt/ShootAt etc. So resetting them will also make the NPC stop what he's currently doing.

Messages In This Thread
Help: FCNPC_StopAim dont work for me - by bookknp - 10.11.2018, 12:45
Re: Help: FCNPC_StopAim dont work for me - by NaS - 10.11.2018, 13:00
Re: Help: FCNPC_StopAim dont work for me - by bookknp - 10.11.2018, 13:04

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