Switch - 3Dtextlabels

Originally Posted by TheToretto
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#include <a_samp> 
#include <zcmd>
#include <streamer>

new Text3D:PlayerAdminLabel[MAX_PLAYERS];

    switch (pInfo[playerid][Admin])  
        case 1: string= "Moderator";  
        case 2: string= "Game Administrator";  
        case 3: string= "Lead Administrator";  
        case 4: string= "Server Manager";  
        default: string= "Undefined";  
    return string;  
CMD:aduty(playerid, params[])


            PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] = 0;
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "You are now off duty.");
            PlayerAdminLabel[playerid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(ReturnAdminLevel(playerid), 0x8CAA63FF, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 5.0, .attachedplayer = playerid, .testlos = 1); 
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "You are now on duty as a %s", ReturnAdminLevel(playerid));
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] = 1;
        return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: You are not an Administrator!");
    return 1;
You had a lot of mistakes in your code, such as the "id" variable, something "UFF" ignored. The value of id is always 0, and I assume you're testing in localhost, you're the ID 0 in the server, it will work, but as soon as the ID isn't null you'll get blank text (literally space).


Play with the draw distance argument in the native:

CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(const text[], color, Float: x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:drawdistance, attachedplayer = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, attachedvehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, testlos = 0, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:distance = 100.0);

So it will become:

pawn Code:
PlayerAdminLabel[playerid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(ReturnAdminLevel(playerid), 0x8CAA63FF, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 12.0 /*Change the 12 to whatever radius you want, 12 is already a good range*/, .attachedplayer = playerid, .testlos = 1);
No, it does work on diff ids, I've tried it myself.

Everything works. Cheers.

Messages In This Thread
Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 30.10.2018, 03:04
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by ProfessorX - 30.10.2018, 03:38
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 30.10.2018, 07:02
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 30.10.2018, 18:26
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by UFF - 30.10.2018, 18:30
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 30.10.2018, 19:20
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by KinderClans - 30.10.2018, 20:27
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by J0sh... - 30.10.2018, 20:31
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 30.10.2018, 20:34
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 31.10.2018, 02:54
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by UFF - 31.10.2018, 03:55
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 31.10.2018, 04:11
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 31.10.2018, 07:37
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 31.10.2018, 16:13
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 31.10.2018, 16:32
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by v1k1nG - 31.10.2018, 16:37
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by J0sh... - 31.10.2018, 16:40
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by v1k1nG - 31.10.2018, 16:43
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 31.10.2018, 16:52
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 31.10.2018, 17:14
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 31.10.2018, 17:16
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 31.10.2018, 17:18
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 31.10.2018, 17:19
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 31.10.2018, 17:38
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by UFF - 31.10.2018, 17:52
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 31.10.2018, 18:08
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 31.10.2018, 18:16
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by Mo123 - 31.10.2018, 18:42
Re: Switch - 3Dtextlabels - by TheToretto - 31.10.2018, 18:52

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