30.10.2018, 14:33
Well... You're resetting variables before saving them, so that should give you 0 in each variable (except natives), and another thing, you don't need to reset them, except if you have them as static and worry about the next player's slot. Try using that:
Hope you're using the latest version of the plugin.
PHP код:
sInfo[playerid][XP] = GetPlayerScore(playerid);
sInfo[playerid][pinigai] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
new query[144];
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `user` SET `XP` = '%d', pinigai = '%d', adminlevel = '%d' WHERE id='%d'",
sInfo[playerid][XP], sInfo[playerid][pinigai], sInfo[playerid][adminlevel], sInfo[playerid][id]);
mysql_tquery(manomysql, query);
return 1;