Originally Posted by v1k1nG
There are many ways you could do that, like
PHP Code:
new IsRconAuthorized[MAX_PLAYERS];
CMD:rconauthorize(playerid, params[]){
// password check, or whatever
IsRconAuthorized[playerid] = true; // if player passes the checks
return 1;
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success){
if(IsRconAuthorized[playerid] == false)return 1; // return whatever you prefer
// code
return 1;
There's no playerid in OnRconLoginAttempt, you'd have to loop through all players and match the IP. Which won't be accurate for people with the same IP.
I don't see why this is worth a post, just don't ban the players and let them try rcon as much as they want. Or do your own layer of rcon warnings showing a dialog or something.