split string by sscanf ?

format(string,sizeof string,"{ffffff}[ID%d] "MYCARY"%s\n",MyVeh[i][VID],VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(MyVeh[i][Veh])-400]);
here's a string,and i want to get "[ID%d]",that number(%d) maybe is 1,10,100,1000...or more.
notice:that string is using in dialog inputtext,so hex color can ignore.
sscanf can split,but i dont know how to do it

Messages In This Thread
split string by sscanf ? - by 3417512908 - 28.10.2018, 05:37
Re: split string by sscanf ? - by 3417512908 - 28.10.2018, 05:42
Re: split string by sscanf ? - by Calisthenics - 28.10.2018, 07:49
Re: split string by sscanf ? - by 3417512908 - 28.10.2018, 08:33
Re: split string by sscanf ? - by Calisthenics - 28.10.2018, 08:39
Re: split string by sscanf ? - by 3417512908 - 28.10.2018, 10:24

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