Is this possible?

Hello there, I am wondering if is this possible: to pot a checkpoint behind a car. For example I use /takebags to take my bags from the car. How to put checkpoint BEHIND( in the back) of the car?
I am currently using this code but if the vehicle changes his angle, the cp put on the left or right side of vehicle.
new Float:coord[3];
GetVehiclePos(carid, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, coord[0], coord[1]-3.1, coord[2], 1.0);

Messages In This Thread
Is this possible? - by StRaphael - 25.10.2018, 15:46
Re: Is this possible? - by Infin1ty - 25.10.2018, 16:10
Re: Is this possible? - by Calisthenics - 25.10.2018, 16:14
Re: Is this possible? - by Infin1ty - 25.10.2018, 17:03
Re: Is this possible? - by StRaphael - 25.10.2018, 19:06

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