SendClientMessage doesn't show

Don't use timers for time limitations, use UNIX timestamp instead.

forward OnPlayerReport(playerid, targetid, reason);  
public OnPlayerReport(playerid, targetid, reason)  
    new rows, fields;  
    cache_get_data(rows, fields, handle);  
    new  reportid;  
    new count = cache_num_rows();  
    if(count > 0)  
        new reportstring[144],reportstring2[144];  
           reportid = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "ID", handle);  
        format(reportstring2,sizeof(reportstring2), ""chat""COL_YELLOW"[REF:#%d]: Your report upon %s(%d) has been sent "COL_WHITE" (Reason: %s)",reportid, PlayerName(targetid),targetid, reason);  
        format(reportstring,sizeof(reportstring), ""chat""COL_YELLOW"[REF:#%d]: Player %s(ID:%d) has reported %s(ID:%d)"COL_WHITE" (Reason: %s)",reportid, PlayerName(playerid),playerid,PlayerName(targetid),targetid,reason);  
        pInfo[playerid][pReported] = gettime()+60;  

forward OnPlayerReporte(playerid, reason);  
public OnPlayerReporte(playerid, reason)  
    new rows, fields;  
    cache_get_data(rows, fields, handle);  
    new  reportid;  
    new count = cache_num_rows();  
    if(count > 0)  
        new reportstring[250],reportstring2[250];  
        reportid = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "ID", handle);  
        format(reportstring2,sizeof(reportstring2), ""chat""COL_YELLOW"[REF:#%d]: Your report was sent. "COL_WHITE" Title: [%s].",reportid, reason);  
        format(reportstring,sizeof(reportstring), ""chat""COL_YELLOW"[REF:#%d]: Player %s(ID:%d) has reported an error. "COL_WHITE" (Title: %s)",reportid, PlayerName(playerid),playerid,reason);  
        pInfo[playerid][pReported] = gettime()+60; 

    new targetid,reason[105];  
    if(sscanf(params, "us[105]", targetid,reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""chat" /report [playerid] [Reason]");  
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""COL_RED"Not online");  
     if(targetid == playerid) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1, ""COL_RED"EROARE:  Can report yourself.");  

        if(pInfo[playerid][pReported] < gettime()) 
            format(jQuery, MAX_QUERY_LENGTH, "INSERT INTO `"#reportlog"` (Username, Targetname, Report, Data) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)",PlayerName(playerid),PlayerName(targetid), reason);  
            mysql_tquery(handle, jQuery, "", "");  
            mysql_tquery(handle, "SELECT * FROM `reportlog` ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1", "OnPlayerReport", "uus[80]", playerid, targetid, reason);  
        else SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""COL_RED"Wait 1 minute");  
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""COL_RED"can't report npc !");  
    return 1;  

        new reason[80];  
        if(sscanf(params, "s[80]",reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""chat" /(re)port [Reason]");  
        if(pInfo[playerid][pReported] < gettime())  
            format(jQuery, MAX_QUERY_LENGTH, "INSERT INTO `"#reportlog"` (Username, Report, Data) VALUES ('%s', '%s', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)",PlayerName(playerid), reason);  
            mysql_tquery(handle, jQuery, "", "");  
            mysql_tquery(handle, "SELECT * FROM `reportlog` ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1", "OnPlayerReporte", "s[80]", playerid, reason);  
        else SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,""COL_RED"Wait one minute");  
        return 1;  
There is no point in defining the strings with 250 cells, because the maximum amount of cells that SendClientMessage can display is 144. Unless you want to use a dialog to display the messages, that would work.

Messages In This Thread
SendClientMessage doesn't show - by Zeus666 - 22.10.2018, 15:17
Re: SendClientMessage doesn't show - by DaniceMcHarley - 22.10.2018, 15:34
Re: SendClientMessage doesn't show - by Zeus666 - 22.10.2018, 15:37
Re: SendClientMessage doesn't show - by DaniceMcHarley - 22.10.2018, 15:41
Re: SendClientMessage doesn't show - by Zeus666 - 22.10.2018, 16:21

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