Upgrading BluG's MySQL r33 plugin to R40+

public LoadBizz()
    new PropertyString[256];
	bussines = cache_num_rows();
	for(new i = 1; i <= bussines; i++)
        new b = i - 1;
		BizzInfo[i][bID]                            = cache_get_value_name_int(b, "ID");
        BizzInfo[i][bOwned]							= cache_get_value_name_int(b, "Owned");
        cache_get_value_name(b, "Owner", BizzInfo[i][bOwner], SQL, 130);
        cache_get_value_name(b, "Message", BizzInfo[i][bMessage], SQL, 130);
   	    BizzInfo[i][bEntranceX]                     = cache_get_value_name_float(b, "EntranceX");
    	BizzInfo[i][bEntranceY]                     = cache_get_value_name_float(b, "EntranceY");
        BizzInfo[i][bEntranceZ]                     = cache_get_value_name_float(b, "EntranceZ");
        BizzInfo[i][bExitX]                         = cache_get_value_name_float(b, "ExitX");
        BizzInfo[i][bExitY]                         = cache_get_value_name_float(b, "ExitY");
        BizzInfo[i][bExitZ]                         = cache_get_value_name_float(b, "ExitZ");
        BizzInfo[i][bLevelNeeded]                   = cache_get_value_name_int(b, "LevelNeeded");
        BizzInfo[i][bBuyPrice]                      = cache_get_value_name_int(b, "BuyPrice");
        BizzInfo[i][bEntranceCost]                  = cache_get_value_name_int(b, "EntranceCost");
        BizzInfo[i][bTill]                          = cache_get_value_name_int(b, "Till");
        BizzInfo[i][bLocked]                        = cache_get_value_name_int(b, "Locked");
        BizzInfo[i][bInterior]                      = cache_get_value_name_int(b, "Interior");
        BizzInfo[i][bVirtual]                       = cache_get_value_name_int(b, "Virtual");
		BizzInfo[i][bSbiz]							= cache_get_value_name_int(b, "Sbiz");
		BizzInfo[i][bType]							= cache_get_value_name_int(b, "Type");
I got this: error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_value_name_float", but I found that function on R40 wiki...
Also I got these:
				else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,25.0,BizzInfo[49][bEntranceX],BizzInfo[49][bEntranceY],BizzInfo[49][bEntranceZ]))
					BizzInfo[49][bTill] += FillUp;
		    		mysql_format(SQL,str,sizeof(str),"UPDATE `bizz` SET `Till`='%d' WHERE `ID`='49'",BizzInfo[49][bTill]);
warning 213: tag mismatch: expected tag none ("_"), but found "MySQL"
So what should I do to fix em all?

Messages In This Thread
Upgrading BluG's MySQL r33 plugin to R40+ - by StRaffael - 19.10.2018, 17:25
Re: Upgrading BluG's MySQL r33 plugin to R40+ - by Calisthenics - 19.10.2018, 17:40
Re: Upgrading BluG's MySQL r33 plugin to R40+ - by StRaffael - 19.10.2018, 18:16
Re: Upgrading BluG's MySQL r33 plugin to R40+ - by Calisthenics - 19.10.2018, 18:50
Re: Upgrading BluG's MySQL r33 plugin to R40+ - by StRaffael - 19.10.2018, 19:48
Re: Upgrading BluG's MySQL r33 plugin to R40+ - by Calisthenics - 19.10.2018, 19:58

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