anticommandspam - OCMD

...Or if you wish to block just some commands:


pawn Код:
SetPVarInt(playerid,"CmdTime",GetTickCount()+10000);//10000 stands for 10 seconds
In the command you wish to block.


pawn Код:
if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"CmdTime")>GetTickCount()) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"* Please wait before using this command again.");
In OnPlayerCommandRecieved.

Obviosuly pvars are just an idea. You can use tick count instead if you wish.

Messages In This Thread
anticommandspam - OCMD - by playstores - 09.10.2018, 19:58
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by KinderClans - 09.10.2018, 21:17
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by XxBaDxBoYxX - 09.10.2018, 22:01
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by Undef1ned - 09.10.2018, 22:13
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by KinderClans - 09.10.2018, 23:04
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by XxBaDxBoYxX - 10.10.2018, 22:36
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by Bruno13 - 10.10.2018, 23:10
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by KinderClans - 11.10.2018, 00:34
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by playstores - 13.10.2018, 07:07
Re: anticommandspam - OCMD - by KinderClans - 13.10.2018, 08:31

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