The number of registered

Yes, you can do something like this.

new players; //First of all you must declare a global var to save the number of players

public OnGameModeInit()
      if(!fexist("/Server/RegisteredPlayers.ini")) //Using File Exist function to check weather that file is there or not (In this case "if not")
             new INI:FILE = INI_Open("/Server/RegisteredPlayers.ini") // so if not we are opening file for creating
             INI_WriteInt(FILE, "Registered_Players", 0); // now we are declaring the key as Registered_Players (like Registered_Players = 0)
             INI_Close(FILE); //Closing the file
      else // opposite of the first explanation
             new INI:FILE = INI_Open("/Server/RegisteredPlayers.ini") //Here we are opening the file for reading
             INI_ParseFile(FILE, "LoadingRegisteredPlayers");// Native for loading files in Y_INI (Here 'FILE' represents the filepath and and the 'LoadingRegisteredPlayers' is the public function that we are using to load)

forward LoadUserData(name[], value[]);
public LoadUserData(name[], value[])
      INI_Int("Registered_Players", players); // loading the number from INI file to the variable
      return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
       if(!registered) // IDK how you are doing this  (according to your admin system)
               //So don't put "players++" Now you may think why?, The reason is what happen if somebody connects(non registered) and disconnect without registering, That's why we are not increasing the number here 
               //Goto OnPlayerDialogResponse and put 'players++' if he got registered I'm not doing that part here(I'm lazy)
       return 1;

//Now The important thing is we must save the Number of players regged to the file OnGameModeExit
public OnGameModeExit()
       new INI:FILE = INI_Open("/Server/RegisteredPlayers.ini") // we are opening file for writing
       INI_WriteInt(FILE, "Registered_Players", players); 
       INI_Close(FILE); //Closing the file
I wanna tell you something plus
Originally Posted by KamilPolska
Посмотреть сообщение
How to make a quantity registered in Y_INI?
Why are you doing this?
I may ask a question
Actually does number of registered players differs according to players? Answer is NO
SO don't make the var like this, new Number_Of_Registered[MAX_PLAYERS];
Just do this, new Number_Of_Registered;
If it was helpful...You also help me to increase my REPS...

Messages In This Thread
The number of registered - by KamilPolska - 07.10.2018, 17:39
Re: The number of registered - by XxBaDxBoYxX - 07.10.2018, 17:43
Re: The number of registered - by v1k1nG - 07.10.2018, 17:44
Re: The number of registered - by KamilPolska - 07.10.2018, 19:49
Re: The number of registered - by v1k1nG - 07.10.2018, 21:59
Re: The number of registered - by DaniceMcHarley - 07.10.2018, 22:46
Re: The number of registered - by GameOvr - 09.10.2018, 10:07
Re: The number of registered - by TheToretto - 09.10.2018, 11:37
Re: The number of registered - by jasperschellekens - 09.10.2018, 11:42
Re: The number of registered - by NaS - 09.10.2018, 12:05

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