Update a mysql tabel when the player is offline.

probema ta este ca folosesti return in loop (for). cand folosesti return, returneaza functia si loop-ul nu mai continua. in loc de return 1 in interiorul loop-ului trebuie sa folosesti continue;

cam asa ar trb sa fie codul tau:
PHP код:
query[2048], string[2048], result[256], name[30], idcolortimerfactionrankraport1raport2raport3timestatusplayeridstatusstim;  
format(querysizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `FactionID` >= '1'"); 
Cache:check mysql_query(SQLquery); for(new icache_get_row_count(); != j; ++i
cache_get_field_content(i"name"result); format(name256result);  
timer             cache_get_field_content_int(i"RaportTimer");     raport2     cache_get_field_content_int(i"FactionRaport2"); 
faction         cache_get_field_content_int(i"FactionID");        raport3     cache_get_field_content_int(i"FactionRaport3"); 
rank             cache_get_field_content_int(i"FactionRank");           time         cache_get_field_content_int(i"FactionTime"); 
raport1         cache_get_field_content_int(i"FactionRaport1");    id         cache_get_field_content_int(i"id"); 
status         cache_get_field_content_int(i"Status");            playerid     GetPlayerID(name); statuss status
IsPlayerConnected(playerid) || statuss == 1// daca este online 

PlayerInfo[playerid][ResetRaportDate]--; mysql_format(SQLquerysizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `RaportTimer` = '%d' WHERE `name` = '%s'  
                        AND `id` = '%d'"
PlayerInfo[playerid][ResetRaportDate], GPlayerName(playerid), PlayerInfo[playerid][AccountID]); mysql_tquery(SQLquery""""); 
PlayerInfo[playerid][ResetRaportDate] == 0
PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] == || PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] == || PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] == || PlayerInfo[playerid]  
FactionID] == 12 || PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] == 20 || PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] == 21color 0x8D8DFFAA
                else if(
PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] != || PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] != || PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] != || PlayerInfo[playerid]  
FactionID] != 12 || PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] != 20 || PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionID] != 21color 0x009ACDFF
PlayerInfo[playerid][FactionRank] == 1
//PS: This is the timer update when the player is online 

        else if(!
IsPlayerConnected(playerid) || statuss == 0// daca nu este online 

tim timer 1mysql_format(SQLquerysizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `RaportTimer` = '%d' WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `id` = '%d'"tim,  
nameid); mysql_tquery(SQLquery""""); 
tim == 0
d,m,y,h,mi,sgetdate(y,m,d); gettime(h,mi,s); 
faction         == || faction == || faction == || faction == 12 || faction == 20 || faction == 21color 0x8D8DFFAA
                else if(
faction != || faction != || faction != || faction != 12 || faction != 20 || faction != 21color 0x009ACDFF
rank == 1
//PS: This is the timer update when the player is offline 
                                        //PS: Here its the problem, when I connect to the server, and are online and I'm looking at the database, I only update myself, the other players  
in the factions remain the same timerbut when I disconnect and I'm in the "offline" section, it keeps updating me on the base but others do not 
    cache_delete(check); return 1; 

Messages In This Thread
Update a mysql tabel when the player is offline. - by akaDragonu - 05.10.2018, 17:43
Re: Update a mysql tabel when the player is offline. - by Vennox - 06.10.2018, 09:55
Re: Update a mysql tabel when the player is offline. - by akaDragonu - 06.10.2018, 11:48

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