05.10.2018, 06:53
Podrнas subir las imбgenes a imgur por favor? Ya que el link que has puesto de las imбgenes esta caнdo. Tambiйn te recomiendo que subas el gamemode a Github, es mas cуmodo y fбcil de descargar todo el gamemode o ciertos archivos del mismo, tambiйn la gente puede revisar los cуdigos desde allн.
Could you please upload the screenshots at imgur? Since the link you've put earlier is down. I also recommend you to upload the gamemode to Github, it's more convenient and easy to download all the gamemode or certain files in it, also people can check codes from there.
Could you please upload the screenshots at imgur? Since the link you've put earlier is down. I also recommend you to upload the gamemode to Github, it's more convenient and easy to download all the gamemode or certain files in it, also people can check codes from there.