Anyone have this FS? Pastebin page removed

Still waiting, Even someone have similar FS like this ??
Th reason for searching this is when I bans a player the simple process inside is banning players current ip then open the player avvount and set the "banned" var to 1 then checking that at on connect and if it is 1 then ban him again, but what would happen if he connect with another ip(always ip is changing when router restarts) with another name?
I think then he can join without any problem so... By this fs I can load all the ips he connected and ban those all ips

Messages In This Thread
Anyone have this FS? Pastebin page removed - by GameOvr - 03.10.2018, 13:45
Re: Anyone have this FS? Pastebin page removed - by GameOvr - 05.10.2018, 02:21

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