I can not edit the position of an object, help

Originally Posted by Arthur Kane
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If I recall correctly, some objects, I don't remember if dynamic or native, can't be moved.

If it's a dynamic object, use CreateObject and try that and vice versa.
Not true.

The problem here is that the object is attached to the vehicle. Attached objects cannot be moved with EditObject, regardless of it being a global or per-player (dynamic) object.

Deattach it, edit it and then re-attach it with new offsets.

Messages In This Thread
I can not edit the position of an object, help - by Pavas24 - 04.10.2018, 07:13
Re: I can not edit the position of an object, help - by SaMuRy - 04.10.2018, 07:54
Re: I can not edit the position of an object, help - by iLearner - 04.10.2018, 08:03
Re: I can not edit the position of an object, help - by Kane - 04.10.2018, 08:41
Re: I can not edit the position of an object, help - by NaS - 04.10.2018, 12:22

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