What's the problem here?

Originally Posted by NaS
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X, Y, Z in Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer are offsets.

You use the position as offsets, for example 1920.0, 232.3, 12.4.

If you do this, the label will be about 2000 meters away from the target player.
Use 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 or so for the offset, not the position.

Also make sure you test this with another player. You cannot see labels that are attached to yourself.

Furthermore, why a new thread? You just opened another with the same problem.
Sorry for the new thread btw.
And I've fixed it but I am using # SandBox, Can i see a textlabel if the player is afk?
cause if yes it still doesn't work.

Messages In This Thread
What's the problem here? - by SaMuRy - 28.09.2018, 22:24
Re: What's the problem here? - by NaS - 28.09.2018, 22:34
Re: What's the problem here? - by SaMuRy - 28.09.2018, 23:23
Re: What's the problem here? - by Undef1ned - 28.09.2018, 23:35

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