Weapons loading problem

So I have somewhere in my database weapons and ammo for each slot saved like this:

0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and for ammo
0 0 0 0 328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
This is the code
	new string1[256], string2[256], c[1];
	new rows;
		cache_get_value_name(0, "pWeapons", string1, 256);
		cache_get_value_name(0, "pWeaponsAmmo", string2, 256);
		for(new i = 0; i < 13; i++)
		   c[0] = string1[2*i];
		   C_Weapons[playerid][cWeaponID][i] = c[0];
		for(new i = 0; i < 13; i++)
		   c[0] = string2[2*i];
		   C_Weapons[playerid][cWeaponAmmo][i] = c[0];
	return 1;
At first I tried to use sscanf but failed cause it would just look ugly with a long line for 13 arguments, so I tried somewhat a clever aproach and it almost did the trick but not quite it seems, I gave myself a deagle just for test purposes and instead it changed it into a tec weapon with some random ammo.

Messages In This Thread
Weapons loading problem - by XStormiest - 25.09.2018, 18:56
Re: Weapons loading problem - by Calisthenics - 25.09.2018, 19:19
Re: Weapons loading problem - by XStormiest - 25.09.2018, 19:33
Re: Weapons loading problem - by Calisthenics - 25.09.2018, 19:56
Re: Weapons loading problem - by XStormiest - 25.09.2018, 20:02

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